Saturday, February 18, 2012

Middle Matters Poster Draft


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice, Chervon. This is a great image. I think this could be a fantastic poster with some attention to the alignment of the text under the heading.

    I don't normally like to mix lower-case with all-caps but I think it works here, especially when you also put MIDDLE MATTERS in caps. I would find a way to re-phrase section starting 'Aim:' I don't really like the numbers. The hard left alignment through both the heading and text is distracting.

    But great image and use of color.

  3. Thank you Matt! I appreciate the feedback.

  4. Chervon, I love the image that you have selected, as well as the contrast in colors. My only suggestions are to maybe change "Aims" to "Goals" and to either re-align the ending text so that it is not covering the hand, or to to move the image a little to the right. The budding plant does a great job at grabbing the attention of whomever may be passing this poster. Shifting the image may also make the poster a bit more complete, the right side has a portion that does not have any text or image besides the background. Again, I love the hand/plant image and what you've done with color - these aspects will surely gain attention for your poster.

  5. Chervon,

    Excellent image and nice layout. I think you need a larger margin on the left. The text is a little close to the poster's edge.

    Also, I think you need to rethink your caption, though. How about something like "Middle Matters... Growing tomorrow's leaders." or Nurturing tomorrow's leaders. or Harvesting tomorrow's leaders...

    Finally, you need to cite your image.

  6. Chervon this is so cool!

    The plant immediately got my attention and also served as a border for the text. It would be nice if the plant could have been a little more aligned to the right but it still works great. Great job!! Only thing I would say is maybe to realign the words so they aren't pushing into the plant.

  7. Thank you everyone for your feedback! I appreciate it!
