Friday, February 17, 2012

Poster Design

This is my first poster. I aimed for a school theme with the background, color scheme, and images. I focused a lot on a horizontal alignment and consistency with the colors. The thing I was most unsure about was having the graphic as a background. Does that make it too busy? Or is there not enough? Any feedback is appreciated!



  2. Good job Kelsey! Immediately the visual triangle catches my eye and without reading the information below, I can get a good overall perspective of the message. Your triangle graphic is effective because it is minimal, has the title as the central part of the poster and I like how you put the teacher licensure part right below it. This helps indicate the overall message quickly without reading the fine print.

    For the "lined paper background" I personally don't feel it detracts from anything nor is it distracting because your central graphic is so bold that the blue lines simply don't register as much for me.

    I think the bottom portion of your poster should be chunked by category or information. For example, try putting the sponsors in one area and separate the objectives to another. This will help make it less wordy instead of a paragraph at the bottom.

  3. Kelsey, interesting use of the lined paper as the background for your poster. I would have never considered that! It's very fitting, given the content of your poster and audience.

    Perhaps you could make your triangle a little smaller at the top, and allocate more space to the text at the bottom so you can "chunk" it as Eric mentions above.

    Also, what would happen if you repeated that shape on the top left on the right side of the triangle, as well? You could add some other text in this area.
