Sunday, February 19, 2012

Middle Matter Second attempt

This is my second attempt.  This has the correct dimensions for the poster and it has the same colors as the last one.  It has different text though so it might be a little too much text. It does have a white border around it which you can't see because of the background. Let me know what you think!


  1. Hi Kelly. I like how you've highlighted Middle Matters twice and used color to link them together. Is the title purple or blue? I ask because the second Middle Matters looks more blue, while the title looks more purply (is purply a word?!). How thick is the border? I was going to suggest moving the pictures in a little bit so they're not right up against the edge but if there's a border than that point is probably moot, just like a cow's opinion - doesn't matter. I like how the text is centered on the paper and the color scheme certainly grabs your attention. The top two pictures are not aligned horizontally, though. The bottom of the second picture might be able to be cropped so it can be moved down. Overall, excellent poster - very CRAPy.

  2. Kelly, nice job on the poster. The background color you chose works well with the text and with the images. If the images are not yours, you will need to cite them on your poster. This is the reason I have been encouraging everyone to take their own photos.

    I am not quite sure how I feel about the photos that bleed off the edge of the page, especially because you do have margins. I do think that you could work out the horizontal alignment of the two top photos so that they are aligned with each other. If you don't like this idea, what if you mixed up your photos so that you had one tall and one short in each row?

    I don't mind the centered text for a heading, but centering a block of copy makes it difficult to read. For this reason, you may want to consider a more traditional alignment (flush left) for the text under the photos.

  3. Kelly,

    I agree with Dr. Wilcox, I too don't like the hard left and right justification of the photos on the sides of the poster. You might want to include some contact information. This is a large format poster so you might want to consider having the information below the photos in a smaller font. It would still be readable.

    Hope this helps, Matt
