Sunday, February 12, 2012

Revised Tobacco

I took some of your advice and I changed the colors of the visual and I think it looks a lot better.  The information definitely stands out more and the colors help enhance the message.  Thanks for your help! I hope you guys like this better.


  1. Hi Kelly,

    I remember your poster from yesterday and think these colors are much better.

    I would like to see less space on either side of the title. I think your heading could be larger and you could distinguish it with out an underline. I'm not a fan of underlining in images. Also, why is your sub-heading in a center text box and left indented? I would probably either run it across the whole page or center it completely in the text box.

    Hope this helps.


  2. I thought the same thing as Matt-make that title POP!!

  3. Kelly, these colors are better, but your page needs larger margins and I still think you could eliminate the color and border on the text boxes. If you were to do that, the focus would then be on the words and images rather than the shapes created by the text boxes.
