Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Multi-Page Project (ABC Book)

This is an ABC book that I'm working on. Any feedback would be helpful! I'm still trying to find objects for some letters, so it isn't finished yet.

User Interface Design

The inventions of the web was a great stride forward and allowed user the ability to consume information from various web sites. But, users soon began to want more. In 1999 the term web 2.o was coined. Web 2.o is more than just a static website. Some web 2.0 content allows for user interaction with the web site. This could include filling out forms, sharing content, providing feedback, etc. For users to be able to have these options someone has to design them. The people designing the content are called user interface designers. They design the content or interface so that it will be user friendly and interactive to the user. 

Below are several links to videos, articles, and picture examples. Some of these links will seem familiar and are the same as the ones found in the learning module, while others are new links. There are videos, articles, and picture examples to cater to the different ways people learn. You do not have to look at all of the links just pick a few to help gain a better understanding of user interface design and answer the questions at the bottom. The links provided are just a starting point and are by no means a comprehensive list of user interface design, so if you have a different source feel free to use it and post a link in the blog.

This video explains what a user interface designer is then the designer explains the designers process for how he designs a user interface.
This video is on creating paper prototypes for user interface design.
This is a Ted Talk video discussing the future of user interface design.

This article describes 19 principles for effective user interface design.
This article describes 14 principles for effective user interface design.
This article explains what user interface design is and has lings to several other articles similar topics.
This is a Wikipedia article but provides a good intro and overview of user interface design.

This link contains images of 20 examples of good user interface design.
This link contains images of 30 creative examples of user interface design.
This is another link to examples of effective user interface design.

In your own works describe what is user interface design?
Why is user interface design important?
Name one or two principles for user interface design that you feel are especially important.

Locke Portfolio

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Steinbach ePortfolio - Wix

Made in Wix:

Any and all feedback appreciated!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rush E-Portfolio

Feedback welcome





Here's the link to my website

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Here is my website:


Here's my website:

It's always a work in progress!

Website in Progress

Below is the link to a website in Wordpress I am building for the Ed Tech Program.  For my final project I am creating an online business plan deliverable document template for my students using Wordpress as the platform so it is important to use it as my website platform for my final portfolio.  As mentioned, it is a work in progress.  I am working to link music to it so it plays when logging in.  That is a feature I will expect my students to use in their site deliverable.