Thursday, February 12, 2015

Learning GIMP/Shameless Planetarium Plug

I have been teaching myself GIMP through tutorials on and by using it as a tool for some of our assignments in class.  What is really cool is I am starting to understand how an image should be processed efficiently in GIMP.  I can come up with an idea and within 10 minutes have a solid draft done.  To prove my point, here is a comical banner I made for a FB post dealing with the science talk happening tonight (BTW if you don't have plans you should totally come out and see this, IT'S FREE):


  1. Ha ha! Cats and the internet. Will we ever get enough? If I lived in Harrisonburg, I'd definitely come. Science and cats are two of my favorite things. :)

  2. That is awesome! I ended up doing my first assignment in Pixlr because I couldn't figure GIMP out...and I had similar issues with Sumopaint once upon a time! Nice shout out to a resource we can use! Thanks!
