Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Amanda Loeser Logo

I decided to use Mindforge Fractions for the logo assignment. I messed around with a couple of things before deciding on a bunch of boxes as my background for the logo. For some reason when I think of math computer games, I think of boxes like the one below that kind of jump out at you and you'd have to click on something to answer. And then for another reason that I'm unaware of, I always relate blue as being math related. My notebooks and folders in school have always been blue to represent math and so I picked something that was relatable to me. I think it look like a calming game. I changed the font color a little and for the middle one I added a line in between to represent fractions, just like Lauren did in her draft. I'm not a hundred percent positive I like this. I usually like things that are a little busy, but is this too busy? I feel a little lost with this assignment, but I'm hoping I did an okay job. I like this last one best! Let me know what ya think.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, I really like that you went with the blue color scheme. I know the original was red, but I find red to be an intimidating color and I think the blue looks much more friendly. (Which is what you want if you want kids to try and learn new things!) I think the third image is the most clear and clean. I would be curious to see an image that is inverted? Like how would this transfer to a black and white image? How would this look on a box that the product is sold in? Is it on a white background, or a different color? Maybe you want to play around with it a little bit to see how it transfers would look on different background and surfaces to make either a more versatile image, or 2 or 3 logos that can be used on different backgrounds and surfaces.
