Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lauren's Logo Drafts

I don't have an organization that needs a logo, so I just stuck with Mindforge Fractions.  These are the logos I came up with... Let me know which one you think best convey's the message!  I wanted to use red because it is youthful and exciting.  I think it will really catch kid's attention.  Any suggestions would be very appreciated :)




  1. Lauren, I agree with you that the red and black is very attention grabbing. Personally, I like the first and last images the best. The two in the middle are harder on the eye to read because they are so broken up by all the divisions. The first one is probably my favorite because it looks like a fraction. Nice work!

  2. Thanks! I like the simplicity and direct representation of the first one, but that was also the first one I created and didn't want to stop there!

  3. Hey Lauren,

    I really like your logo ideas. I think you can change up the colors from red and white. Maybe more kid friendly, like green or blues? I personally think the last design is also my favorite.

  4. I know the original was in Red and White, but I agree with Erin that Greens or Blues might be more kid friendly. Designs 2 and 4 are definitely my favorites. I like the use of White space in 4 design, but in design 2 everything is just so clear, easy to read and understand.
