Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Andee's Visual Resume

Andee's slide share

I started out making a poster as for this project, using the Game of Life as my inspiration.  After about 10 hours of Photoshop, I realized my shortcomings as an artist made this look like a 5th grade project so I changed paths.  I made the slide show in PowerPoint and uploaded it to slideshare.  I did notice that my font is not consistent, not sure why, but I will go back and change that.  I also need to find an ending, but I am still thinking of it.  Finally, I will work on the references page.  I noticed the formatting also got messed up.  Overall, I am pretty happy with the way this turned out and it was fun to create.


  1. Awesome Andee! I really got the sense of just how many skills you have from that slide share. You're a very good digital storyteller too! I hope that was on your list of skills :)

  2. Thanks for the feedback. Unlike you, I was not gifted with natural artistic abilities and I had to go a different route. I am thinking I might combine a few the words/images to cut down on slides. Also, if anybody has thoughts on if I did too much in skills (wanted to make a point). Anyway, appreciate your feedback.

  3. I also liked your skills page. I think the animation with the pop-ups was most effective on that page. It really shows that you DO have many skills. I would choose different skills for my first two sets. Those sets of skills are going to get the most attention and reading time. I would list the skills (by theme, like you have) that I'm most proud of / that are most marketable in the beginning to really show them off.

    I also like the "not awkward at all" smilie about teaching at your old high school…so perfect!

    On slide 32, one of the clicks enhances a photo of one of your daughters. Was that intentional? If yes, what was the intention? Also, in general, would you consider few animations/ pop-ups for less work to get the information?

    Your story reads like you're saying it. Some of your sentences are incomplete or would be worded differently, if the story read like a print story. I do, however, like "hearing" you share your story, and I bet that's the tone you wanted :) You may consider revising some sentences to make them complete sentences, if you feel like that matters to you.

    I like the "contact me and we shall see." Did you plan to make it rhyme? It's appealing because it does rhyme :) The alignment of that sentence between slides is slightly off.

    Your images are fun and I feel like that match what you're saying. On slide 8, the images have borders. On slide 6, they don't. I would just choose the format you like most a be consistent throughout.

    Over all, you did a great job!

  4. Thanks for the feedback. I did fix the issue with the photos not matching up as somethings didn't show up until I posted and noticed them. I appreciate the thoughts on the skills. I tried to match them by area and when I was done added a few. I think placing the first and last will have the greatest effect so I might look at reordering.
    I was going for a more relaxed tone with my words which is why there are a lot of ... and all sentences are not complete, but more like thoughts. I wanted it to read like I was sharing and let the pictures complete the thoughts. I will need to look at that.
    Will run through it again and try to pick up the inconsistencies you found. Apparently I didn't get them all which is why accuracy was not listed as a skill.

  5. About the sentences... I liked the relaxed, conversational tone. I felt like it was the tone you wanted and you achieved it. I just offered the feedback about complete sentences in case it mattered to you. Honestly, I wouldn't change them, because it may change the tone :)
