Sunday, January 26, 2014

AHRD Poster Module 3

For this assignment I used two different software tools.  The first tool that I used was Microsoft Publisher.  I found it to be a simple tool to use for designing the layout.  I then imported the layout into GIMP as my background layer and I designed my poster by adding a Visual at the top, a Heading, and then the body copy which was added in a column format.  I found GIMP to be more difficult to use than I thought it would be.  I used Photoshop for years and it is a very user friendly tool but GIMP was not as user friendly and I found it difficult to navigate. The target audience for this poster would be people prospective students.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to note that I borrowed the photo form the AHRD website. The program information that I used came from the AHRD website and/or the AHRD section of the Graduate Catalog.
