Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rob's Visual Resume wife ended up getting induced unexpectedly a few days ago which threw off my timing for working on class projects. But we are back home now with our 1.5 day old baby daughter (Madison Rose) and I have a few minutes to upload my visual resume. I ended up using a website called they were ok but I would have hoped for a lot more options in regards to customization. You could change themes but not much beyond that.

Rob Morgan Visual Resume


  1. Oh congratulations, Rob!! You must be so excited. I'm glad everything went well. Enjoy your first days home. :)

  2. Woot Woot congratulations! I will send some comments on this tomorrow.

  3. Congrats Rob!!! Yay!!! Such a beautiful name!

  4. After looking over your resume I have very little to ad in a constructive criticism way. The whole thing looks good. If you were able to I would say to condense it down to a page to a page and a half but I am almost certain doesn't let you do that. Another change (possibly) would be the media you use. The background image could be something tied more towards a hobby of yours or the IT training you do, something that relates. I didn't read anywhere you were a gardening Zen monk but it that is true then maybe post that so the image makes sense. As you can tell, I am digging for constructive feedback here. Good job and congratulations once again!

  5. Thanks everyone.

    Robert, they only have a dozen or so backgrounds and I played with a few. They have one that is a computer but the mouse screams 1990's. There were a few others that I liked but the background is tied to the theme which effects font sand color as well. The "zen sandbox"was the only one that had a decent background image and font/font colors.
