Sunday, January 25, 2015

Erin Murphy's poster with new software

I really struggled trying to get what I had pictured in my mind onto the screen.  I started trying to use Pixlr because I really like the reviews and information about it in module three, but I realized that I couldn't create on a blank slate.  I then looked into Adobe Photoshop, which I have always been interested in and with an exception in a photography class in High School I haven't had much experience with.  Photoshop turned out to be a GREAT and fun experience. 

I really want to incorporate a fraction line into my final poster.  I started with the headline on the top, and I really liked the way the headlines looked at the top of the page.  I choose the colors black, gray and blue for the poster because I feel the product name is very strong and need colors to show that strength.  I used the website pixabay for my illustrations to show that the program uses food to help students learn fractions. 

Overall I am very helpful with my final product. Photoshop was a great product to use.  I struggled a lot at the beginning but by my 4th layer I felt really confident using it. 


  1. Erin, I love this. Did you intentionally break up Mindforge and Fractions, by splitting it with a line? Like how fractions are numbers split over the lines? Because I think that is pretty creative!

  2. yes I did that intentionally. I really wanted to show that in this poster

  3. ^^I also thought the theme was clever. I like how you were a little creative with the landscape version instead of portrait. When I think poster I immediately go portrait and sometimes limit myself by doing that. Good job.
