Wednesday, March 18, 2015

RET's Brochure Draft

This is a draft of the final brochure I would like to make for the Planetarium.  I had to use placeholders because I did not have any photos that were actually my own or not in violation of copyright.

The final version would have several changes.  First the text might change color so it is easier to read agains the banded background.  Second there would be contact info at the bottom of the top center panel.  This would include things like the planetarium website and facebook/twitter/instagram icons.

Hope you all like it so far.


  1. Looks good. I like that the background image flows across. Is the "free Saturday shows" the front cover?

    1. The Logo is the front panel. I plan to fold them around so the folds lay down not up.

  2. Robbie,
    I really love you logo. Just needed to say that again. I think that you are off to a good start with your brochure. I like the idea of showing the Milky Way running through each of the pages, however, I'm wondering if you could change the opacity and feather the edges more? In fact, you might be able to use one color and just set the opacity to "multiply." I think that would help soften it and help the pictures and text stand out from it a bit more. Along that same vein, some of the words are hard to read because they fall right on top of a white "star." Just moving those white dots where that happens might solve the problem. Or, perhaps using a text box could help. I'd have to play around with that. You also have an asterisk by your "Free Saturday Shows," but I don't see where that asterisk should take me further down on the page.

    I can't wait to see this with your pictures. Seems like it will be a bang up brochure when you're done!
