Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rob Morgan Brochure Rough Draft

Here is my early attempt at the brochure. I decided to create one for my department for the AACP (Administrative Assistant Certificate Program) classes that we teach so that someone in AACP could see all of the classes that they need to take. I still have a lot of work to do on the inside of the tri-fold.

Here is my updated tri-fold with all sections filled out.

I decided to have the copy center print off 1 copy of the brochure in case my department wants to start using it. I took some photos of what they printed.


  1. Rob,
    I really like your color scheme and the shapes that you used to help chunk the text. I have a few comments.
    1) There is a lot of white space, which is good in some places. However, in other places if makes the brochure feel like it may be missing information of graphics. This seemed especially apparent on the front. Could you maybe find an image or texture to put behind your logo?

    2) When you open up the brochure to the inside, the focal point for me is the "start here, go anywhere" graphic. However, the mouse in the graphic creates a line that takes the eye down to the bottom, right. This is the end of the brochure and it seems unnatural to then go back to the top left. Could you maybe move the graphic to the top, left to be your focal point?

    3) It may just be a matter of preference, but I think your logo would look better on the back if it was centered over the gold box.

    I think you are off to a great start. It seems like this brochure would definitely be useful for your department!

  2. Good job Rob. I think that there are several sections that could be chunked more. The panel "why should you attend" could be listed as no more than 6 items in a chunked fashion.

    I also agree with Jen on the Logo being placed in the back gold box.

  3. Thanks, I implemented some of these ideas in the final product.
