Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mariya's Picture Book Draft

I decided to do a picture book for this assignment. Below is my very rough draft! Yes, the majority of it is in black, white, and shades of gray (with occasional pops of color). This is because this book is intended to help young children and even adults understand what it feels like to be have a rare form of color blindness. I have a young cousin who described her condition to me and she explained that this was not a condition she was born with. She was very sad that this occurred very suddenly. All she saw was variations of black and white when she woke up one day. The black and white frame is intended to be the glasses frame that the child has on and the picture is what he/she sees through it. The glasses are placed on the page so that when you open the book, you are able to see it like a pair of glasses.

Here are some questions I would really appreciate some feedback on:

1. Should the black and white glasses frame be on every page? (For consistency)
2. Should there be more color added?
3. Is the text hard to read? Should I make it a different text type that is easier to read?

Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!



1 comment:

  1. Mariya,

    This is such a cool concept! I think its something that people will find helpful. I myself have always wondered what it would be like to be color blind and how they see the world. Here are a couple suggestions. I think on the second page, the text is too hard to read on such a dark background. Also, I understand that the book isn’t suppose to have a lot of color, but I think it’s definitely missing something with the gray color palette. A thought I had, which could be cool, would be to show a colorful background and then have the black glasses appear and within the glasses make the colors grayish, so it shows what people who aren’t color blind sees versus how a color blind person sees the exact same image. Does that make sense? Thought that might be cool to show the contrast and that would be a way to incorporate both color and how a color blind person would see it. Great start and I LOVE the concept for the book!
