Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kara's Picture Book Rough Draft

I decided to create a picture book that depicted my work experience as a graduate assistant at the Office of Admissions. I felt that it was a good way to commemorate my experiences with them while also providing the next GA something to look at for insight on what his/her position might entail. I felt it was appropriate since I will only be there for about two more weeks, and it may also be helpful for future GAs.  This picture book will allow me to have something to remember my experiences but also provide future GA's an idea of what it is like. I definitely believe the picture book has an instructional component to it in that I provided images of a lot of things that I actually did while at Admissions, and it will enable the next GA to learn what they are likely to do in this role as well. I am open to any recommendations/advice!

- Is the border too much?
- Does the text look ok centered?
- Should I add anything else?
- Should I take anything out?



  1. Looks good. I think this would be helpful for a potential GA wondering what their life would be like. I have a few suggestions:

    -You may want a blank page after the cover page so that your first page is on the left hand side of the book and not on the back page of the cover page.

    -It may be helpful to have page numbers in the book.

    -Maybe it is my eyes but the page that says "emailing counselors" the text seems a little low, is it vertically centered?

    -The page that says "counselors emails/prospective student emails" the left edge appears to be cropped too far and the first letters are cut off.

    -I like how simple the pages are and the borders around the pictures and how some are crooked looks good.

  2. Thanks Rob! I will definitely incorporate your suggestions!
