Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mariya's Interface Design Draft

Below are the images of what I have completed so far. I wanted to keep the color scheme consistent with the brochure and posters that I have previously created. I also wanted to make sure that I had some of the images that I had previously incorporated, into the rest of the webpage. I do realize that it is a general outline and that most of the information is not presented on the images themselves. However, I wanted to make sure that the interface was as consistent and visually appealing as possible first.

The first three pages are the home page. While visiting the home page, individuals will be able to navigate the pictures that appear with the diamonds on the side of the rectangular "TV" object. Throughout all of the pages, I made it so that all viewers could easily view the images and text. When viewers click the tabs, they glow with a  bright orange and the sub tab that they are viewing does the same.

Please let me know what you think. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Mariya,

    I love the colors of your design, they compliment each other well and they are nice and cheerful colors. I also love the navigation bar and how you highlight which page you are on so there is no confusion. Here are a couple of my suggestions:

    Home page:
    I would move the website address over to the center more, it is really close to the edge, so just keep in mind your margins. Another idea is to move your navigation bar and logo so they are centered on the page, it seems to have more space on the right side of the page than on the left. Another idea would to keep the colors on the social media icons, most people associated Facebook and Twitter with their icons and logos, and I’m afraid that some mind not associate the icons with the social media sites since they are missing their usual colors.

    Preventative Maintenance:
    Maintenance is misspelled, and it seems like some of the text is running off the page and behind the blue bars at the bottom.

    Contact Us:
    Center the “connect with us” text at the bottom of the page, it seems to be touching the top of the line, so I think it would look better if it was center.

    Overall, great start, I could see this as a website, the navigation is simple and easy to follow. The pictures are great visual aspects and help break up the page. Well done!

  2. Mariya, I love your interface design. Again, it's perfectly integrated into the branding and look you've already created. I agree with all of Ashley's comments. I would only add two ideas. First, instead of using the two different blues of the Facebook and Twitter icon, what about just making the black that you have white? I think that this would tie in nicely with the white you have elsewhere on the page. Second, when you have your diamonds jumping down to indicate which page the user is on, it seems that they are crowding the text below in some instances. What about leaving them where they are and just changing the color, like you did, and the text to white? If that doesn't seem like enough, what about placing a white diamond behind it and making the orange one a little smaller so that it seems like there is a white border around the active diamond? Just a thought! Looks really great so far!
