Sunday, February 5, 2012

Web Activity 4

The PAT principle in the Malamed text caused me to think of a way to simplify and improve the design shown for activity 4. As you can see, rather than having characters that seem detailed, I decided to use a male and female silhouette. The use of both doesn't allow for gender bias. I also used green on the percentage columns to depict money or "sales". The color choice of the male and female was chosen to contrast with the use of a white background. Overall this design seems a lot clearer and easier to understand.

Image Source:


  1. Brad, I like the changes you made to the colors and figures. I was thinking the same thing about making the people figures be a consistent color to make it easier for the person viewing the image - less confusion. Also, great idea with using the green color to represent sales/money. I was able to make the connection between the color and the meaning of the image. I don't have any suggestions for improvement. Great work!

  2. Brad, I think your visual works well. I had a problem with the way you had it posted, though, so I fixed it. I am really disturbed by pictures and text that extend beyond the columns allocated for the blog. Please make sure your image is resized so that it doesn't spill beyond the column.

    1. Thanks a lot Dr. Wilcox. I thought the issue may have been in the browser display, but thanks for the correction

  3. Brad,

    I like how it's simple and to the point
