Friday, January 25, 2013


  1. My favorite thing about your visual resume is the program icon bar on the bottom of your page. The change I would recommend to this portion is the removal of "software used" and instead employ a rating scale of your skill level or at the very least rename it; software "USED" does not imply any level of proficiency.

    Also, did you screen capture this to post it in the blog? Looks like your cursor is positioned under your name. I found it successful to save the resume as an image, which also works better from PowerPoint as opposed to Word.

    The main function that my eyes were looking for in your Education/Work Experience breakdown was additional organization. Perhaps a Vertical timeline showing the overlap on each side, or even breaking the page into 2 columns with each having its own space. Right now, I can see where you've had education and work, but I am not given any more information about when you accomplished any of these or which is the most current/relevant.

    Other than that, play with some borders and simple color schemes to give your resume a little more character and cohesion.

  2. Great feedback Caitlin, I agree with what you've already shared and also emphasize the use of some kind of indication of time/date related to when the education and work experience occurred, or if they are ongoing.

    The icons at the bottom of your page are great, you could possibly include some type of scale or rating to indicate proficiency level. A lot of white space, consider re-organizeing content or adding more.

    Great start!

  3. Justin, great start to your resume. As Caitlin and Catherine both have said, my favorite part about your resume are the technology icons at the bottom. I agree with Catherine, though, that you should have some sort of scale to show the viewer your proficiency levels for each software program. This would give the viewer more information and understanding about your knowledge of technology. I think it would be cool to have some sort of shape or mark to be around your heading titles just to give your resume some more character to it, and one area that might help decrease your use of white space. Although white space is our friend :), I think you could add a bit more design and perhaps color to gain viewers attention more.

  4. Justin I like the simplicity of your resume. I agree with what everyone above me said. I think to avoid losing the simplicity, just changing the background color would help your resume to become more visually appealing, and to help your information stand out.
