Sunday, February 19, 2012

Web Activity 6 Hierarchy

For this web activity I chose to focus on a social studies themed visual to show hierarchy.  In this visual it shows the alliances in World War I and how it changed over the course of the war.  I used vertical hierarchy along with some of the "cue" words that were listed in the chapter.  This order shows the sequence of events.  I then used some horizontal hierarchy to show that each alliance had key members that played a role in the war.  Each of these members are on the same level to signal equal importance in the war.  I chose green as the background to signal the beginning of  the war and red to represent the end in the second box.  Lastly, I used complementary colors to make each element stand out a little more.  Let me know if you think this is an effective visual for hierarchy and what I can do to make it more effective.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,

    I think your image represents the hierarchy well. The only thing I did not get from the image was that the green and red is used to signify the beginning and end of WWI. You may have to use bolder colors to achieve that message but bold colors may look harsh.

