Friday, January 27, 2012

The Phenomenon that is Pinterest!

I came across an article on CNN about Pinterest - the virtual pinboard that allows users to organize their interests. I don't know about you, but I never really jumped on board with this new online obsession. Occasionally, I will visit Pinterest if I'm looking for a new DIY craft to try, but sometimes I get overwhelmed. Although, I do think Pinterest is a great example of visual literacy and display and after reading this article I think I am more inclined to give it a second chance to win my heart.

The article goes on to discuss different people and companies that frequently visit and use Pinterest. A stay-at-home Mom quoted in the article shares that she thinks Pinterest offers a way to make "your offline life easier." Meaning she has more time to spend with her family instead of having to sit and work at her desk all day. Pinterest has allowed online users to categorize and share their passions through the web via images.

Another part of the article that I found interesting (no pun intended) is that Pinterest is being called a modern day way to curate. For designers and social media experts, Pinterest "offers an easy way to digitally curate content without the pain of cutting clippings or saving endless web pages on your desktop," (said Marshall Kirkpatrick, ReadWriteWeb). Pinterest has allowed for millions of users to get new and creative ideas all in one place. The article wraps up with a short piece about using Pinterest to create 'your own aesthetic,' which further elaborates on this idea of visually displaying and sharing interests in different categories and on different virtual boards.

So, my questions for you all are do you use Pinterest? If so, what is your favorite thing about it? Has it been beneficial to you? For others who don't use it, have you heard of it? Would you consider using it?

Here is the link to the article -- there is also a video!


  1. Very interesting, Kendra! I watched the video, and Pinterest seems to have found its niche in the design community. I am not into fashion - I know what I like but not really what is hot or popular at the time. One thing that I thought of while watching the video is copyright. Some of the images people post may be from professional designers - wouldn't copying that designer's necklace or purse or outfit a violation of copyright in some way? I know in the literary world one can use someone else's idea, but we have a way to give credit for the idea. It doesn't seem like there is a way to add a citation on the back of an outfit. Do you (or anyone else) know if there is a copyright issue in visual design?


  2. Great website, Kendra! I had never heard of pinterest, but believe it to be a great idea, especially for visual learners/thinkers. My mind is typically on thirty things at a time, and this site seems like a good way to remember the great ideas we may have. From the video, it seems like someone has found a more practical and potentially productive use for facebook and twitter. Renee, to your point of copyrighting, that's a great point as well. I'm not sure of the rules for re-posting and clipping photos, but that may be one of the technologies that the law has not caught up to. Maybe someone else in our class has better insight into the rules and regulations!

    1. Kendra I am addicted to Pinterest! I find all sorts of things for my home, school, and just neat things out there that I might want to do or wish I could do. I was wondering too about the copyrighting - but most everything I pin and then click on goes to the direct page of the idea.

  3. I am not someone who is on Pinterest but I know my roommates are on it. I have seen it and it seems like a really cool idea and it has a lot of educational activities for teachers, which is how my friends use it. I have not really had the opportunity to explore it because I have never had a reason to. I think when I get into my career I will be more interested in those resources and become a pinterest fan. I do have to say though my friends and I have done some of the activities that are posted on the website and they were pretty cool and fun. I think that when I have a family of my own or a career it will become a more useful site.

  4. I had never heard of Pinterest before now. I can really see the value of this site as it it adds the power of being social. The power of the people in numbers can really help construct some great things and I think the constructivists are pleased with how all these Web 2.0 things are going thanks to the juggernaut Facebook.

    In the video, they mention that Pinterest is more of a site that curates rather than creates. There's nothing wrong with this because isn't that what Google does or many of the other social media sites too? There is way too much information out there that organization is definitely the key to the next generation on the web. I think this is called Web 3.0 or the semantic web in that we're organizing and using data to cull information in various ways. Way to go Pinterest in finding your niche!
