Sunday, January 22, 2012

How To Make Hot Cocoa
Image by Matt Dingo with help from Jakub Dingo

I choose to make this visual based instruction to make hot cocoa for a second grader. This was a bit of a challenge as I do not want my son, who is in first grade, to use the stove. To alleviate my and many parents' concern about using a stove, I developed instructions on how to do it in the microwave with the 'beverage' button which makes a perfectly hot cup of liquid without boiling it. I added a note to this step which you might not be able to read in this post: "Ask an adult for help in setting the time if your microwave does not have a beverage button." I also added a graphic of what that button looks on our microwave.

My son read the instructions out loud to test if he could understand them. Then i photographed him performing each step after he read each instruction again.

When I saved the image as a .jpg, my computer added a stroke on the top and left of the page and a dashed box around my second picture. This was not visible on the original.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, your hot cocoa directions were easy to follow, visually consistent, and appropriate to the audience. The blue type on the "You will need" photo was a little hard to read. White may have worked better because the photo has an overall dark tone to it. I'm not sure why there is a dotted line around step 1 - Put 1 cup milk in the microwave. Finally, you may want to consider numbering your steps, just to make sure there is no question as to the order.
