Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Marcia's Draft Brochure


1) Just returned from a week in Oregon, and trying to play catch-up and adjust to the time difference again.
2) I am not using the "stars." Just haven't decided what I want to use, so am using them as placeholders. Will really depend on the final layout.
3) Had asked ZipCars for their logo, but I didn't hear back. Will try again, but don't expect to get it in time for the final due date. CAT was quite happy for the advertisement.
4) Really struggling with the font.
5) Couldn't find a freebee color car graphic that I liked. Know of any?
6) Since we rarely do anything in print, I'd really like to turn this into something like a short PowerPoint show. Also don't have to worry about the number of colors with that, either!

Would appreciate any and all input!


  1. I think the idea of this a good one and it has great information. I agree with you that I am not loving the font. It give the brochure a "young" feel that I do not think you are going for. Since you are using clip art it needs a more grown up font to let me know that this content is for adults. I do like the layout and the blue the divides things up.

  2. I like the colors, and the font actually doesn't bother me. I agree with Andi that the clip art is not as strong as it could be. I like the border and color scheme a lot. I do question whether this is really information that should be conveyed on a brochure. I know that the rubric said it could be technical information, but I feel that this information would be displayed better on a poster than a brochure since its not that technical or marketing material.

  3. Brochure is actually for young I just asked my 19-year-old son. He thought the "friends" one was okay but the "car" one needed to be changed. Will work on the font and the car graphic. When approached with the brochure idea, this is what my "client" wanted.
