Saturday, February 4, 2012

Web Activity 4

For this assignment it took me a little bit to understand the concept. I have heard of the concept before in regards to relationships and how you spend your time so I had to transfer those thoughts in order for it to make sense in another setting. I also decided to research where this concept came from and that was Pareto in which he looked at the 80/20 concept in regards to wealth. So here are two ideas that I created in order to display this concept. 

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  1. Chervon,

    On your pie chart, the chart itself isn't accurate for the 80/20 split. It's more of a 65/35 split. The light blue segment needs to be larger relative to the dark blue section in order to make it appears as though 80% is represented.

    In a similar way, I'm not sure about using Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates compared to college students. I don't know that using these two relative to 8 college students really says what you mean to say.

  2. Chervon,

    I think it would be a good idea to keep the dollar signs the same size to better represent the difference in the wealth. Even spilling over may reiterate the point.

