Friday, February 3, 2012

Web Activity 4

When I looked at the image created, the first thing I noticed was that there wasn't a lot of contrast or repetition. The colors were faded and didn't stick out and the people were not the same. The two of the four actions within the PAT framework state that there needs to be contrast in color and repetition. On page 304 in Lohr (where carp is explained in it's own 80/20 rule,) the description of repetition says to use copy and paste. So when I recreated my image, I made sure to use the exact person to represent all sales people and the exact dollar to represent the sales. Instead of using arrows, I divided the salespeople by a line to make it more clear the percentage that was making the sales. I used bold colors and left the background white so that everything stood out.


  1. Kelsey,

    So glad you changed the wording to 'salespeople'. It bugged me that Lohr used 'salesmen'.


  2. Kelsey, this works well. It really gets the point across in a very visual way. My only suggestion pertains to the use of borders around the page. Everything seems crowded to the left. Be aware of margins and try to make them equal around all sides of the page.

  3. I think the repetition works well with the people all being identical and the line separating the two concepts is great because of how the black on white tends to 'pop' a little more.

  4. i agree with eric about the people all being identical...i tried to do the same thing with mine. nice work kelsey!
