Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Web Activity 5

I used some text editing effects to make the facts look like burn holes and then the main statement to look smokey.


  1. I really like this graphic a lot in terms of the colors and the text input and the pictures, the only thing I do not like and this is a person thing is it's a little violent with the gun and the knife. BUT it's supposed to convey that smoking can lead to death so being a little edgy is justified. Good job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, my thoughts were all over with that last post. Let me clarify haha. I really like this Austin. It hits home and conveys the message well. Colors and figure ground components are nice as well. Mine is similar with the "edgy"-ness of it as Andrew put it. I think it will help to grab the attention of a cigarette smoker very well.
