Friday, May 20, 2011

Kellie Dovel Visual Resume

Please take a look at my visual resume and let me know your thoughts!


  1. Kellie, I really like the simplicity in your resume. That's not to be taken the wrong way, because this is how I think and do projects as well. It is very straightforward while still being visually pleasing. Great job.

  2. Kellie, I agree with Brandon. Your visual resume is to the point and simple. It's not confusing and the different sections are laid out clearly. The only suggestion I would make is to possibly add a soft edge to the images on it. That way it doesn't look like a copy and paste job. Good work!

  3. Kellie, Think about adding more contrast between the text and background color. I am concerned that your dark text on the dark background will make your resume a little difficult to read. Contrast is one of the tools graphic designers use to make their images more effective. With regard to the images themselves, consider how the image you choose can say something about what you do rather than who you work for. Does this make sense?
