Friday, March 6, 2015

Leisha's Main Post

First of all, I apologize for the tardiness of this post.  I wrote in my agenda that it was due on Friday, not Wednesday.  I think the snow is making me lose my mind. 

I was looking at a Loudoun County Public school website the other day to figure out where I was supposed to Sub.  On the front slideshow there was this image, followed by the caption, "Students complete Digital Literacy and Responsibility Course." 

Looking deeper, I found that this is a program designed for 6th-9th graders to teach them all sorts of things about Technology.  This video shows some of the different challenges students complete with the program called Ignition.  The whole program is a series of videos, modules and simulations where students have the ability to process information.  The program covers many topics, including Multimedia Presentations.  Students are also tasked with designing and launching a media campaign to bring a band to their school.  They have to design a successful social media campaign and supplement it with visuals, such as posters.  I thought this was SUCH a cool program that not only introduces students to good and safe internet and technology practices, but also exposes them to 21st Century careers where they use technology and visuals to spread messages.  I think introducing this sort of thing at the middle school level will create a community of students who are prepared to use media, technology, and visuals to spread information. 


  1. I really like that they have the application project attached to it. I feel like I have seen a lot of schools do the "be safe online" presentation but having the students create content and market for a school concert is a good way to make it applicable and tie it back to something that they are familiar with.

  2. Wow! I wish that I'd had this opportunity when I was in school. I think these types of programs are so important and I love that it seems to be project-based. This type of instruction makes learning so much more meaningful and relevant for kids. Very cool post, Leisha!
