Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Amanda Leech Main Post- A Complete Guide to Visual Content

Found a great blog post about visual content that applies to what we're working on in this class. I also liked how it relates to your own personal social media- I've noticed a lot of my friends in the creative arts doing more of these practices only to see their social media numbers skyrocket. I've never personally thought about my own "brand" but it's something to consider as I move through this class and how I want to be represented to the outside world.

Lots of good stuff in here: rule of thirds, new programs for creating content (has anyone every used Canva?), and my personal favorite:

This chart displays colors and how they are perceived. Great for determining what colors to use in a visual depending on the message you're trying to convey. Definitely bookmarking this for future reference.


  1. I love Canva! It's super user-friendly and has a lot of ready-made templates. It also has graphics that you can use for a nominal fee.

  2. I have not used Canva before, what is it that you like about it?

    I love this blog post! I have always found that any facebook post where I include a corresponding image gets more traffic, even if that picture isn't original. For example, I needed to know the end of a movie quote from Princess Bride. Instead of just writing my question, I also included a picture from that scene. Also as a social media consumer, I give more importance to posts that include images.

  3. Someone suggested canva to me a few weeks ago in a class I teach as an alternative to pixlr. I like it but I see them as two very different things. Canva is fun for creating creative stuff and pixlr is good for image manipulation.

  4. I agree with Rob- Canva is very easy to use but does not allow for that image manipulation. If you needed a quick image and don't have a lot of time to spend, it's a good go-to.

  5. I found this post to be quite helpful! Thanks for the information! I will have to report back to this post when we have to create logos later in the semester. Also, I have never used/heard of Canva before but I will definitely be checking that out!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing Amanda! I'm not going to lie...I used your chart to decide on a color for my poster-green for GROWTH! The blog you shared had me laughing. I felt that its point was made, long-windedly. I found myself just wanting to look at the pictures--only proving the blogs point. Beautiful..semi-sad irony!

  7. Yes - great post because I will likely refer back to it! It is so helpful to know stuff like this and how the different colors you utilize in visuals conveys a certain type of mood/feeling. I have heard of Canva, and I believe I attempted to make something using it before but didn't because I was having trouble with some aspect of it (I can't recall specifically because it was so long ago). I'll have to check it out again though and hopefully have better luck!
