Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Christy's Final Logo

So, to make a long weekend short--I was in a rather bad car accident on Saturday. I was recovering during the beginning of this week, so I know I am posting this logo late. My finished logo is below.

I am pretty pleased with my final product. I took many suggestions from my peer reviewer and really improved upon my original draft. For easier reference, I am pasting the earlier version below:
Most importantly, I changed the colors to match the official JMU colors (the gold is a lot less gold than I thought it would be!). I think this made the logo much more attractive and will make the program look more professional and easily affiliated with this institution, should the Ed. Leadership program director choose to use it. I also found a more appropriate font and moved the "JMU" to the bottom, made it slightly more muted than the program title (gold vs. black), and spelled out "James Madison University." I thought this also made the logo suit the program a bit better, as it focuses on serving aspiring school administrators, and this design change feels more appropriate because of the formality.

Finally, I have included one final version of this logo. I almost considered it done when it was at the point that is shown below, but something was missing. Just look at the difference made by that line that highlights the word "educational"!!....I was amazed at how much more cohesive the piece felt after I added it (refer to finished version above).