Wednesday, February 20, 2013

attempt at GIMP

I chose to play around with GIMP to see what type of features it offered and how it compared to photoshop which I am more familiar with using. After spending about half an hour in the program, I found myself very frustrated, I couldnt find some of even the simplest features like the select tool to move layers around, and it took a while to figure out how to add a second layer. The second image below is a screen shot of what I was working on - I was trying to use the Freshmen Parking car icon and play around with numbers and colors - but believe it or not I couldnt even figure out how to get the color palette up.

Publishing the file had limited options from what I could find, all were some form of .xcf file, bzip or gzip, which after googling the uses of - it became apparent you cant do anything with, you have to open it in another software to convert to .jpg or .png. This is very limiting I thought.

Now - as inept as my above post sounds, I do have to say it took hours and days to figure out how to move around and comfortably use the tools in photoshop. In a lot of the same ways I could tell that GIMP has many features and can do a lot of the same things as photoshop. For those without access to ADOBE products, GIMP could be useful with enough time put into it to learn how to properly navigate the features. I didnt have that much luck...

(The blog wouldnt let me upload a .xcf file)

(This is the screen shot of what I was working on trying to manipulate)

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