Sunday, February 23, 2014

Working on two different versions for the poster assignment.  Would love feedback on either or both.


  1. Poster 1: I like the use of the psi on the right side. I have some problems reading the poster though. It could be the font is too thin and that the contrast is missing when the page turns to yellow. Also, I would choose either italics or caps for your headings. Finally, is there another picture you could use at the top? The proportions of the one you have seem stretched.

    Poster 2: This poster is much easier to read. The blocks of text really pop. I also like the purple color over your photograph. I feel like there is less going on, which makes it easier to take in. The upper right block is a bit hard to read and seems to be in a different it?

    Over all, I like the contrast and readability of poster 2 best. Though I really do like the psi in the first poster.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I couldn't decide on a format. I kind of like the layout of poster one, but agree that it is harder to read. Poster 2 is easier to read, but I not sure I like the layout. I will work on fonts and see what I come up with. I may submit both and see what I get. Your feedback is always helpful.

  3. I also liked poster 1, and the psi placement, but find poster 2 more interesting. The boxes are placed in good areas over that image. It really draws me in to the poster and entices me to read the information. I would work on poster 2 more, because it's not the usual layout you see. The yellow you use is a greenish-yellow though, which is odd with your purple. I suggest changing the font type and adding JMU branding somewhere. The only place the school is mentioned is in the URL at the bottom.
