Friday, April 19, 2013

Raleigh Slide Set


  1. Raleigh-

    I like how you made the icons and color coded them consistently between slides. And your background is consistent with your picture book; good for continuity.

    My only comment for improvement is in regards to the placement of the images. I think because your slide embellishment curves down, it disrupts the rigid edges of the images. Have you tried moving the images to the bottom corner instead? Something there just looks harsh to me.

    Great job!

  2. Nice work - the presentation looks like an original template and its nicely used throughout. I also like the the way you've presented the design principals used throughout. Consistent and clean throughout. Looks great!

  3. I love your colors!! I also love that it looks like your multi-page assignment book. Great job. My only suggestion would be to try to make the images a little larger so that we can see them better.

  4. This looks great, Raleigh! As Cat said, it looks like an original design; it is a nice break from PowerPoints usual templates. Your color scheme is great and does not clash or make anything hard to read. I also like your use of color to identify between your learning theories, design principles, etc. Good job!

  5. Raleigh,

    I really like your colors and the theme you have used. Very original! I think maybe you could try to switch the placement of images to see what looks best, but I also like the effect the curve gives the image.
