Friday, February 8, 2013

Logo drafts

I'm trying to design a logo for my family's small, one-gas-pump country store.  It was established in 1928, and has been in need of a major makeover for years now.  This year the whole place is getting a huge renovation and my parents are trying to kind of "re-brand" the place, which has never before had an official "logo" or anything.  Below are just ideas I've come up with, a bunch of variations.  I'd love to know which ones you think work best and which ones you think are no good!  I promise you won't hurt my feelings, and I appreciate all your honest feedback :)  Thanks everybody!!!


  1. I like the logo with the mountains in the background, but I also really like what you did with the M and the B on the last couple of examples. I think it would be cool if you could combine those two features.

  2. I agree with Shaun. I like the lettering int he last two but the one with the wood looks more like a country store kind of concept. The last one is a bit modern in color for what I think the store is.

  3. Thanks so much for the feedback so far!! I really appreciate it. I agree with you, I was thinking that those colors might look too "modern" and less "traditional" like a country store. And after I spoke with my mom about the one logo with the wood grain, she said it looks like a toilet symbol represented in an architectural blueprint, hahaha. I didn't realize this at all when I was making it, so I think I need to fix that for sure if I even decide on that one.

  4. My favorite logos are #2 and #3. I think you could use #3 as the actual logo and depending what you are putting the logo on (whether it is a poster, billboard, etc.) could use either #2 or #3. I say this because if you were to embroider the logo onto any type of clothing, #3 would be the best way to do it; however if you screen printed the logo onto clothing, then #2 could work as well. That's just my two cents from my experience at my aunt's embroidery company (can come in handy haha)! If you wanted to incorporate the more modern letters from #5-7 into logo #2-3, I think that could work, but I would use a black outline for the letters with white on the inside. To me that would help accomplish the "traditional" feel while also adding some modern to it. But honestly, I really like #2-3 as they are! P.S.- All designs look good :)

  5. Hi Raleigh,

    All of your logos do a great job of representing your family's company name with a few short graphics and letters.

    Since I don't know much about the vibe of the business or its audience, I cant speak to which would be most apropriate, but in keeping with modern times and styles, I think the second to last (MB tilted letters in a circle with the wood background) is a great logo that appeals to the modern era with the letters yet has a rustic feel with the wood texture background.

    All of them are great options, I dont have much to say on how to improve any of them honestly because it seems you've created great progressions and versions of each.

  6. I really like the logo with the mountains in the background. I think that it adds to the culture of the company. Yet, it isn't too busy and it doesn't take away from the name. The only advice I have, is for the 2nd to last one. The straight lines in the woods, with the curvy lines of the letters were sort of distracting for me. Other than that, I think they all look wonderful!!

  7. Raleigh,
    I thought that you did a good job on all of your logo’s. I like the first one and the fourth one the best. I liked the simplicity of the first logo you displayed. This seems to me as something I could picture hanging outside a country store gas station. I do not know if the company has a set color scheme. If not it may be beneficial to play around with the colors a little bit and try something other than green and brown. The fourth logo you have I think would work very well as a sign in front of the store.

  8. Logos 1, and 4-7 are all great logos in that they are simple but still communicate the business. 2 and 3 seem like they would make great business cards. I also agree with those who commented on the wood background. It does give a rustic or country store feel to it which seems to meet the description you gave us of the family owned business. Great use of texture there.

    The last 3 logos are a fun twist with the two rotated letters making up the M and B.

    Overall it seems that you have a few different "themes" that developed throughout your iterations.
