Monday, June 6, 2011


My brother decided he wanted a poster advertising himself as a DJ. I stuck with the red and black theme I had in my original logo but I had to change the logo to be all white since black on black wouldn't do so well. This is really just my first attempt so any feedback is welcome.


  1. Courtney,

    I really like the poster. Maybe make the contact information stand out a little more.

  2. Courtney, this is a great idea. In regards to your logo, it JUST hit me that it's playing on the word "remix". I think changing it all to white instead of doing the white/red combo makes it easier to connect the dots (or maybe I'm just a bit slow haha). The balance of the text seems a bit off though. Maybe align center the bolded stuff, and make the contact info easier to read.

  3. I agree with Brandon.I really like your use of color and the all white logo. Maybe move the website info to be under the contact info for better balance. I can see this looking great on a small flier to be passed out at clubs!

  4. Courtney,
    this looks great! The only suggestion that I have in addition to what the others have said is maybe putting a small glow effect on the "bars, parties, etc." text. I think it would match the party theme well and give it a bit more edginess. Good Job!
