Monday, April 20, 2015

New Post for Week April 20th - Effective Slide Creation in Education

While reviewing module 15, I realized that although most individuals understand the concept of slide sharing or creating a visual PowerPoint, it is easy to become reliant on using them. What I truly did realize (or come to understand) is that when instructors or companies create PowerPoints, they become reliant on them since they are unaware of how to effectively implement them. Most create PowerPoints with a specific style that encourages more decorative layouts or illustrations. However, we now know differently. We currently understand that stylistically our brain requires less visual data and stimulus in order to effectively retain the information that we are provided with. It is also understood that with a more basic layout, with less text, and more effective use of illustrations, it sets us up for success in our visual presentations.

With all that being said, I will stop typing this huge block of text that contradicts exactly what I just said. The links that I have provided below are additional resources that enable us to create more effective visual presentations to various groups of people.

  • Infographic - PowerPoints in Education:

  • Source to create visual presentation:          

  • Basic tips to design PowerPoints:

  • Video that sums up how to effectively design a visual presentation:

1 comment:

  1. Mariya, Thanks for the extra resources. This will help in writing our final discussion of slides!
