Monday, February 27, 2012

Here's the final draft of my poster. It's very different from the first. In fact, it's so different it probably needs another round of feedback before it'll actually be "final". I don't know how I feel about it - I was trying to be clever with the "what's missing? U R!" bit but maybe it's more confusing than anything. Personally, I prefer the look and feel of my first draft but the picture didn't have anything to do with Middle Matters so I had to scrap it and put a pretty lady teacher on my poster instead of flowers and a sunrise. The image url is at the bottom but I made it small enough that it doesn't take away from the poster.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent poster, Stephen. I get the message right away-- its clever and not confusing at all. The layout is clean and it is easy to read; margins and consistent. The only change I would make is to change the color and remove the underline from the email address. The color makes it hard to read and the only reason to underline it would be to make it stand out as a link on a webpage.

