Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Amanda Leech Visual Resume Draft

I again chose to use Canva to create my visual resume but this time around had a much more difficult time with the program. Seems as though when you get in to the nitty gritty with it, it has some kinks. I had a difficult time exporting my file, as the formatting would change once I exported my image (did anyone else have this issue with Canva?) and the program does not work super well with moving lots of little pieces, i.e. when I would select a text box, the program would automatically move or change something about the box. 

I went with this type of design because the field I work in is very relationship-oriented. I wanted an image of myself on the resume because it helps the reader get a better sense of how I come across in person, which is something that can't be written with words on paper. The colors were visually pleasing and the layout of the text bubbles demonstrate creativity and balance. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amanda, you did a great job with this! I love the simplicity and crisp, clean feeling that the uncluttered layout provides. I have just a few suggestions, though:

    --Since you position all your text within circles, it feels to me that this text would look best if it was centered inside the circle. Some text appears to be centered, while other parts are left justified. I think at the least you could center the title within each circle (for example, "Education" and "Contact Me!" are centered, but "Experience" and "Skills" are not)]

    --While I like the simplicity, I think a little added complexity would make this project more visually interesting. I like the subtle diagonal stripes in the circle with your name...could you add light backgrounds to some of the other circles? Maybe using the same style or two in repetition would add this complexity without sacrificing the "clean" quality I mentioned. Maybe polka dots to mirror the circles would be a good option?

    --Finally, I think you could experiment with representing some of your information with graphs or icons. The circles are certainly more interesting than a plan black and white text-based resume, but they don't seem to have any particular relation to the information they contain. I saw some examples online that were a combination of both infographic and traditional resumes, so they involved a good amount of text, but also charts and icons where it was most relevant / useful for a certain piece of information.

    P.S. I really like the color scheme and the way you edited the background out of the photo of yourself. The outline of you, rather than a square or rectangle, really makes the white space more interesting and makes your beautiful self POP! Nice job =)
