Friday, January 27, 2012

Web Activity 3

Here is my attempt at a metaphorical image combining Baddley's Model of Working Memory (specifically Dual Task Paradigms) and Information Processing Theory. The relationship is depicted by the picture. With Dual Task Paradigms, simultaneous actions will complicate the acquisition of information. The motorcycle driving quickly down the road: the road is blurry, while the environment is hard to really focus on. The motorcyclist is responsible for many tasks and cannot focus on just one task at the time (As that would be extremely dangerous). As you look at the picture, you can see holes in the image and see the desktop to a computer. You can also see the frame and Keyboard of the laptop. This represents Information Processing Theory. This theory tells us that our brain is like a computer when analyzing information. Because this is a laptop displaying the image, the overarching theme is IPT and the portion of Baddeley's model of working memory (Dual Task Paradigms) is working within IPT.

Source for Motorcycle: Image:

Sarah Hagan- Visual Resume

Credit for Pictures:

JMU logo:




Web Activity 2: How to Make Hot Cocoa!

Web Activity 1: Effective Images

I apologize this is late, I joined the class late.

While I was searching for examples of universal instructional design that addresses performance, I came across many examples that apply to real life situations. I noticed how frequently we rely on visual representations and design for instruction with everyday actions. For example, there are visual demonstrations for how a child must sit safely in a shopping cart or how to use a fitness machine at the gym. I was searching for a example that no one in the class had discussed yet and then I remembered I time I had relayed on universal design for instruction when I was trying to figure out the settings on my new camera. I read the instruction book from the cover to the last page and it was full of representations and diagrams explaining the camera. I found it very helpful because there was an actual picture of the camera or the part of the camera that was being explained, so it was easy to understand. The representations also included lines pointing directly to the settings being explained. Most of the symbols for cameras are universal, but this was my first camera that included Manual and Automatic settings, and I found the instructions very helpful and easy to understand.

The Phenomenon that is Pinterest!

I came across an article on CNN about Pinterest - the virtual pinboard that allows users to organize their interests. I don't know about you, but I never really jumped on board with this new online obsession. Occasionally, I will visit Pinterest if I'm looking for a new DIY craft to try, but sometimes I get overwhelmed. Although, I do think Pinterest is a great example of visual literacy and display and after reading this article I think I am more inclined to give it a second chance to win my heart.

The article goes on to discuss different people and companies that frequently visit and use Pinterest. A stay-at-home Mom quoted in the article shares that she thinks Pinterest offers a way to make "your offline life easier." Meaning she has more time to spend with her family instead of having to sit and work at her desk all day. Pinterest has allowed online users to categorize and share their passions through the web via images.

Another part of the article that I found interesting (no pun intended) is that Pinterest is being called a modern day way to curate. For designers and social media experts, Pinterest "offers an easy way to digitally curate content without the pain of cutting clippings or saving endless web pages on your desktop," (said Marshall Kirkpatrick, ReadWriteWeb). Pinterest has allowed for millions of users to get new and creative ideas all in one place. The article wraps up with a short piece about using Pinterest to create 'your own aesthetic,' which further elaborates on this idea of visually displaying and sharing interests in different categories and on different virtual boards.

So, my questions for you all are do you use Pinterest? If so, what is your favorite thing about it? Has it been beneficial to you? For others who don't use it, have you heard of it? Would you consider using it?

Here is the link to the article -- there is also a video!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Christina Saunders- Web Activity 2


Bradley Jones Visual Resume

Bradley Jones Visual Resume Feel free to comment

Reference Links

Wood background


School House


Fishersville Computer


Fishersville Image


JMU Image




Capitol Building




JMU Bridgeforth






Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Web Activity 3: Theories of Memory

I am not a psychologist and only have what I imagine is a cursory understanding of theories of memory, but here is what I get from reading Chapter 3 of the Lohr book:
Each of the theories presented in the book seem to add a new layer of description of how memory works. My visual would work well as a powerpoint presentation, adding new layers to the page as one goes through the features of each theory.

I like my visual for Information Processing Theory better than the one used by Lohr. Lohr's image (Creating Graphics for Learning and Performance, 54) looks to me like someone is suffering from hay fever not a representation of the flow of memory.

Christina Saunders- Visual Resume

This is my visual resume I completed using Inspiration 9. It was nice because you could add notes so the possible employer could get more information about specific things but it was not too cluttered. It is also nice because you can add links so the possible employer could get a better idea of the places you studied or worked. Any and all critiques are VERY welcomed!! Thanks guys

Web Activity One

Web Activity One

I apologize for my tardiness of my postings. I added this class late and because of this had some trouble joining the blog. 

Visual literacy and universal design seem to me to mean the ability of a visual representation to represent the instructions and for anyone to be able to understand and follow these directions. What I chose for my representation was the ATM. Immediately upon looking at the ATM you can see the exact direction in which to insert your bank card. The screen also gives continuous visual and literary directions for what exactly the directions are. They show a finger pushing in the numbers for the pin number and then show the user from where to take their cash and receipt. This example resonated with me a lot because I ALWAYS put my card in the wrong way in the printing systems around JMU. Although for the printing system, most people using it are likely to be able to read but it is less likely that the user of an ATM will be literate. Having full visual instructions is important for all persons to be able to use the ATM to withdraw money.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Visual Resume


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Visual Resume

I used to create my visual resume. It is a work in progress; any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! Vizualize is a pretty cool site, so I recommend that you guys check it out if you're interested in trying something new!

Also, Internet Explorer does not support the graphics involved in Vizualize. Chrome, Firefox, and Safari support the graphics used.

Visual Resume

Image Citing

How to Make Hot Cocoa

Images Taken From:

Web Activity 2

My instructional image is showing up a lot smaller than intended. Even when I try to scale the image differently, it still appears the same. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this for next time? Any help is appreciated! :)

Draft visual resume-- Matt Dingo

Here is a link to my visual resume created by Adobe's new web design beta software Muse:

There are 4 tabs that feature different aspects of my resume. I have not yet completed the 'Music Career' tab yet as I will have to spend much time uploading .mp3's.

As Muse is still in its beta stage, there are many small format glitches when one renders a site to html such as text not appearing exactly where you place it and alignment being off by a few pixels.

Despite these bugs, I find Muse a promising program for designers who are code-o-phobic but want to design dynamic web sites.

Thanks, Matt Dingo

Web Activity 2

Visual Resume

Like Eric, I am using to post a visual resume. If you have a LinkedIn account, your information can be transferred right over to the site. You can upload a photo of yourself, write a short biography, upload a traditional resume, show a timeline of your work experience, change the background, list education, upload a portfolio, and show examples of your work. The most interesting part of the site is the Infographics tab, which allows you to personalize your page. You can include information such as number of clients you have, how many languages you speak, favorite quotes, and so much more. Here's a link to my site as it currently looks: It's pretty bare at the moment, but I'll add more information throughout the week as I think of interesting things to add.

image cites from my visual resume

Kelsey Cochran's Visual Resume

Web Activity 2

For this exercise, I made the images larger in some stages than others to hopefully catch the eye of a younger individual.


Web Activity 2 - How to Make Cocoa

Renee's Visual Resume Draft

Morgan's Visual Resume

Here is what I'm thinking so far for my visual resume.  Feedback please :)

Morgan McMullin

Jessica's Visual Resume

Visual Resume

I'm looking for as much feedback with this as possible! My visual resume is composed of framed milestones since I began my College Career. I tried using gimp, but wasn't very successful, did any of you have success with Gimp? Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Web Activity Two

I decided to use images of my own (with the exception of the pot [ - cc]).

Activity 2 - Hot Cocoa

  I found all images using Google. 

Morgan McMullin

Activity 2-Hot Cocoa

For activity 2 I used PPT and its features. All images were found on Google.

Draft Of Visual Resume

This is a screen shot of my Visual Resume Draft. I developed the frame in Photoshop and then moved it to InDesign to add some other elements.

Eric - Visual resume draft

This is a screen capture of my visual resume. I used a program called I think I'll be using this for my job hunting this spring for new teaching jobs too! To view the full site please click on the following link:

Hot chocolate

Cherelle's Visual Resume

How To Make Hot Cocoa
Image by Matt Dingo with help from Jakub Dingo

I choose to make this visual based instruction to make hot cocoa for a second grader. This was a bit of a challenge as I do not want my son, who is in first grade, to use the stove. To alleviate my and many parents' concern about using a stove, I developed instructions on how to do it in the microwave with the 'beverage' button which makes a perfectly hot cup of liquid without boiling it. I added a note to this step which you might not be able to read in this post: "Ask an adult for help in setting the time if your microwave does not have a beverage button." I also added a graphic of what that button looks on our microwave.

My son read the instructions out loud to test if he could understand them. Then i photographed him performing each step after he read each instruction again.

When I saved the image as a .jpg, my computer added a stroke on the top and left of the page and a dashed box around my second picture. This was not visible on the original.

Kendra's Visual Resume

After I saved my visual resume as a jpeg I saw that the borders were cut off (and didn't fully extend to the edge of the Word document). It doesn't look like that in the Word format! Erg.

Any comments and feedback is welcomed! I also have it saved as a pdf and Word document.

Thanks everyone!
Steps to making Hot Chocolate
Pictures came from ClipArt
The last picture of the tea cup came from: