Saturday, June 18, 2011

Web Activity 11

I call this picture I made (edited) "Pack of One" haha
I included the original as well... If you click on them , the differences become much more pronounced!


For some reason, my brochure will not upload. I had the same problem with my poster. I don't know what it is, but I will have Dr. Wilcox try to do it for me. Feedback when it posts please!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Web Activity 8

Web Activity 9

Web activity 11

Sloths are my favorite animal, so here is a momma sloth with her baby sloth. I used filters to make the photograph look like a painting.

Image credit:,7299/

Attached is the Brochure I am working on...I appreciate any feedback!

Attached is Web Activity 11..this activity was alot of fun to play around with too!

Below is the URL to the picture I used.,r:5,s:30&biw=1007&bih=570

Web Activity 10

Attached is Web Activity 10...this activity was actually harder than I thought it would be..but it was alot of fun!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Web Activity 9

Web Activity 8

Web Activity 9

Activity 9.2

Activity 9.1

Activity 8

Poster Design

I realize you have already submitted your posters, but I wanted to take the opportunity to give you some design ideas to consider. 

When you are designing a poster, make sure you consider how to best use all of the principles, actions, and tools we've covered to date. For example, when laying out your poster, you don't need to stick with a static rectangular format. You can experiment with introducing different shapes, diagonals, and lines to create a dynamic rather than static layout. Also, you can use contrast to focus the viewer's attention. 

Likewise, you don't need to use black type on a white background, even if the poster is for instructional purposes. Here are some examples of interesting posters. I hope you carefully examine these before making corrections to your poster for final submission.

Looks just like me!

Here we go! This assignment was fun.

Creating a User Interface

Some of you had difficulty with Web Activity 7, creating a user interface. For this reason, I have created an interface and have labeled the component parts so you can see how I might organize an interface for Learning in Adulthood.

Brochure draft

Here is the first draft of my brochure. The front panel is the 3rd column, for reference. The back is the 2nd column.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter 9 Web Activity

Attached is Chapter 9 Web Activity.

Chapter 8 Web Activity

For the Chapter 8 Web Activity, I decided to take one image and manipulate it show the four actions.