Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blog Post for 2/5 -Pinterest

So, I have a confession: I. love. Pinterest.  I love it because I can find ideas and information on just about anything.  Every pin is represented by a picture.  The pictures help me identify the articles I want to reread, when I'm browsing through my boards.

I used Pinterest to plan my wedding this past summer, to decorate my house, to fix household problems,  to find recipes, to research about vitamins, to plan for the hair cut where I donated 11 inches of hair, and to hold interesting articles on personal finance, career advice, and parenting / families.

I have learned so much from Pinterest.  I love using my phone to listen to podcasts from NPR and APM.  Pinterest has become another educational outlet for me.  I have 43 topical pin boards with visual collections that link to more visuals, articles, and videos that help me learn.  (Go on Pinterest and search for infographics, if you doubt you can learn from the tool.)

The articles below talk about how tools like Pinterest are changing the ways we do things online.

  1. Please read this one 
  2. and then this one
  3. Next, google "Pinterest is changing the way we"  What did you find?  How is Pinterest, a visual tool, changing the ways we do things? 
  4. Finally, do you use Pinterest?  What are your thoughts about it?  Has the tool changed anything for you or someone you know?  What about businesses or organizations you like?  Any changes or movement on Pinterest?

And to close…all wonderful things must be put into perspective ;)


  1. I found, whcih talks about how Pintertest is changing the way we travel. Specifically, it speaks about how our travel pictures influence other people to want to visit certain places. Being a visual person, things such as clear blue water, white, sand, etc. surely peak my interest from a visual standpoint,a nd seeing depictions of these types of places on Pinterest absolutely makes me more apt to visit such places! Before Pinterest, we still had the internet. However, Pinterest combines these scenic photos with interesting perpsonal spins on them including the description of personal experiences. In a way, Pinterest works to compliment and enahnce what we already know about certain places around the world.
    I personally use pinterest for gift ideas and recipes. There are things on there that I never knew existed, and there are many oroginal ideas that I would never think of on there. Pinterest usually provides visual depictions of these as well, to help enhance the learning and draw my interest (by allowing me to see if I achieve the ultimate Pinterest FAIL!). It has definitely expanded my horizons in terms of creativity and family life. I think it could potentially be useful in businesses (such as travel agencies) in terms of advertising. If organizations choose to advertise on there, they could utilize the creativity pool already on there to figure out how to appeal to their potential customers. It is all around a pretty neat internet tool, with a world of information at your finger tips.

  2. Oh Pinterest FAIL, haha!

    Interesting how the site impacts travel. I think you nailed it on the head when you wrote, "Pinterest works to compliment and enhance what we already know…" Travel pictures are so enticing and Pinterest is a platform where visual representation is key.

    I feel like it has boosted my creativity and willingness to try new ideas too.

    Thanks for your ideas, Nicole!

  3. I know lots of people who love Pinterest, and then lots like me who just don't want to spend that much time on the internet. We prefer the old-fashioned way of organizing our thoughts/ideas/pictures. However, I can't say I've never visited Pinterest...especially for card-creation ideas. It is a great resource for many things and I imagine that one day I'll break down and create an account.
