Sunday, February 5, 2012

Activity 4 - 20/80

I chose to work on the idea of 20% of your clothes are worn 80% of the time.  I used a graphic of a closet and kept 20% of the graphic in focus. 

It took some getting used to with Sumo Paint and I will continue to practice with this site.


  1. Could you please change your profile name so I know who you are?

    I found the blurriness of the background image disconcerting.I am not sure that your picture actually conveys that 20% of your clothes are worn 80% of the time, especially since we are only seeing the clothes in a closet. I would try to avoid using blurry images. There are other things you can do to images to de-emphasize them.

  2. Morgan I purged my closet today and thought of you! No more 80/20 for me!!
