Sunday, January 29, 2012

Web Activity 3: Information Processing Theory & Baddeley's Episodic Buffer Theory

This assignment made me think about taking pictures. There is a process to taking a picture. There are settings to change, including the focus and frame of the photo. Information is retrieved from long-term memory, while at the same time sensory and working memory is occurring when looking through the lens. The diagram to the left describes the two theories in relation to the art of taking a picture. A photo is also a tool that can be used for memory; retrieving information and memories based on what is seen and being interpreted by the person looking at the picture, which is different for everyone, just like processing information occurs differently for each person.

1 comment:

  1. Kendra, great analogy. Very creative! I totally got it! With regard to the layout of your activity, I probably would have stretched the header across the entire top of the page - Information Processing Theory and....
