Saturday, January 24, 2015

Lauren Proctor's Poster

I struggled to find an image that I thought would represent Mindforge Fractions appropriately.  Therefore, I went with the direction of food because it sounds like that is what the program uses to teach the fraction concepts.  I settled on candy, because what do children love more?  The image at the top is divided evenly like fractions and I chose bright colors to intrigue kids.  Then, I thought it was important to include the description at the bottom.  After all, it is the parents that need to be persuaded to buy the product. 
I used Canva to design this poster.  The program was very simple and user friendly.  I think I will continue to use Canva in the future.  I only need basic design elements as I do not plan on pursuing graphic design; the limited options do not deter me.  Many of the more interesting elements cost $1 each and I can see how this could quickly add up.



  1. Looks good. I like the "fractions made easy" at the bottom as the last thing you see. I also struggled with trying to make the poster for the declared demographic but wondering if it should appeal to the parent as well on my poster.

  2. Lauren, your poster is so wonderfully colorful! I, too, love the parting banner on the bottom. It really leaves you with the impression that this software will make learning fractions a cinch!

  3. Reel the kids in with candy. Good Marketing.
